As we grow up our problems also grow up and pile up over our head. We keep on dealing with our problems and sometimes we also deal with other person's problem and even sometimes we also create new problems by ourselves inside our heads. It means we are continuously dealing with some of the other problems. We are constantly moving into and out of the hands of problems. 

We are fighting with life and we are never at peace or should I say we are never at equilibrium in terms of Physics and if I use the biological term for this we can call it homeostasis. We are never at homeostasis we are just trying to maintain the homeostasis and we are just juggling with life and just trying to be at equilibrium. But as per the Physics rule, anybody at equilibrium cannot perform any function which means the body is useless and biologically it might mean the body is dead.

 If  you agree with this thought that a body at equilibrium should be considered as dead then you might also answer me in Yes'', if I ask you that , ''Are you alive, are you having many problems in life?'' and you should answer me in No'' if I ask you, ''Are you having no problem in life, are you having nothing to struggle with, are you dead?'' No, you are not dead so you cannot be at peace until you die. Yes, if you are alive, breathing in and out then you should have some problem, you will always have some problem everyday, every second you have to fight with life to live.

So being human beings we should not think that we are done doing everything. We should never think that we are the greatest, if we want to grow we must have an unfulfilled desire, otherwise if we are at an equilibrium with the life it means we are dead. If we are not living being we cannot function in this universe. If we are not doing any work it means we are at equilibrium. So, be restless, be curious, be wild, be messy, keep learning, keep making mistakes, keep falling down, keep trying to stand up even when this universe is pushing you down every time. Keep living. 

 By _ A reader

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